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Welded Mains/Branch Lines

The Display Outlet Text Rectangles option is disabled by default. If this option is enabled, report data will be regenerated.

The Show Up, Down, etc. w/Outlet Text option is disabled by default. If this option is enabled, report data will be regenerated.

The Use Non-Threaded No Welds report option can be used to generate a separate report for non-threaded no-weld pipes.

Welded Mains and Branch Lines can be sorted by cut-pipe order, line and piece name, or type, size, and length by selecting a Sort By radio option. The Sort By Line, Piece Name option is selected by default.

Wrap Lines: Wrapping lines is useful for longer pieces of pipe. If a 75' pipe with outlets is printed, the pipe will take up three lines in the report with wrapping set at 25'. Labels are easier to read when the pipe is allowed to stretch out over more lines. This is especially true with a pipe that has a lot of outlets that are closely spaced. Changing this value will regenerate the report data to fit new parameters.


Part Numbers

Users can choose to show either Alternate Part Numbers or Legacy Part Numbers on reports and have the checkbox option to Show Part Number column on the Fabrication Estimate Report.

If these options are changed report data will regenerate and the list of the available reports will update.


Label Options

The sorting of Fabrication Reports to their corresponding labels are crucial to the listing reports. Sort order for Threaded and Welded labels should match their respective fabrication reports. This allows the pipes to be easily labeled as they are fabricated.


Several options can be toggled off and on in the Label Options section. These include:


1. Thread Includes Drops, Sprigs, etc. when possible(selected by default)

2. Weld Shows Outlet Text Rectangles

3. Weld Shows Up, Down etc. w/Outlet Text(selected by default)

4. Display All Weld Outlet Text Adjacently


The Threaded Labels section offers four available choices of how the labels might be displayed. Users must select one of the following four options:

1. Match the Threaded Cut Pipe Report

2. Sort By Line, Piece Name

3. Match Threaded Branch Line Report

4. Match Threaded Fabrication Report(selected by default)


The Welded Labels section offers three choices of how the labels might be displayed:

1. Match the Welded Cut Pipe Report

2. Match the Welded Mains/Branch Line Report(selected by default)

3. Finish / Diameter / Pipeline


Threaded Fabrication Options

Sort Pipe By: The Threaded Fabrication Report can be sorted so that the pipe's diameter is reported before its length, which is the default selection. The other option displays the pipe's length first, before the diameter.

Sort Pipe Diameter reports either the smallest or largest size

Sort Pipe Length reports either the shortest or longest piece of pipe first in the list.


Miscellaneous Options

Split Groups by Pipe Type for Pipeline and Threaded By Size Reports: The Thread By Size report and the Pipeline reports can be divided according to pipe types.

Reports Quantify Extra Material w/ other material (Exclude Pipes/Nipples): This option is enabled by default. Reports will automatically include the Extra Material added to a List Area to the reports' material summaries. Reports will not highlight these extra material items as such. (selected by default)

Loose Material Report Quantifies Extra Material w/ other material (Excludes Pipes/Nipples): When left unchecked, the resulting report differentiates all Extra Material that has been assigned to the List Area by labeling it as such in the Loose Material report.

List mechanical tees as loose material as opposed to welded material: This option is enabled by default. When enabled, this option will list all mechanical tees as loose material. (selected by default)

List Sway Brace Components as opposed to Sway Brace List: This option is disabled by default. When enabled, sway brace components will be listed individually.

Show piece barcodes on welded and label reports: This option is enabled by default. When enabled, piece barcodes will appear on welded and label reports. (selected by default)

Reverse Running Distance for Welded Mains Labels: This option is disabled  by default. When enabled,

Alternate Barcode Labels: This option is disabled  by default. When enabled,