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MDB General Information

The MDB file contains AutoSPRINK parts database. Your Alternate PNs and Legacy (Hydralist) part numbers are saved here.  It is a good practice to always have an up-to-date backup copy of your MDB file. Your MDB file also contains your Fabricator information.  Cost is also saved here, but its best practice to utilize the ITF EXPORT to transfer stocklisting quantities into your inventory system.  Sage, JD Edwards, eclipse, etc.



Save Data

The Save Data button allows users to save an ALT or Legacy part number from the material pane to the MDB file. The ALT and Legacy part numbers will then generate automatically the next time the stocklister receives a FAB file.




MDB Location

The AutoSPRINK FAB database is located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\AutoSPRINK FAB 2018. To confirm the file is correct and up-to-date, check the save date and time. It is recommended that users copy and paste a master copy of this file to a safe location.

The ProgramData folder is hidden by default. Click the link below that corresponds with your operating system to learn more about showing hidden folders.

Windows 7:

Windows 8:

Windows 10:




Then, copy and paste the file locally to each AutoSPRINK FAB user's C:/ProgramData/AutoSPRINK FAB 2018 folder. It is important to maintain the correct file name. The file name must be Parts.mdb or the program will not use the file.