The AutoSPRINK FAB File menu allows access to the following functions and settings:
New File...: Creates a new document.
Open...: Opens an existing document.
Close: Closes the active document.
Save: Saves changes to the disk. FAB files are saved in .fab format. If this is the first time a user is saving a drawing, the Save dialog box will appear.
Save as: Accesses the Save As dialog box for saving changes to the current drawing to disk. This option allows users to save the drawing under a different file name or save it to a different location.
Export to ITF...: Allows users to export FAB files as Hydralist ITF files.
Export to ITF Custom...: Allows the user to transfer the stocklist material in an ITF file into their inventory system.
Export to FireList: This option creates a .job file that can be opened with Ferguson stocklisting software.
Export Welded Pipeline List: This option allows users to export the Welded Pipeline report as an Excel file.
Load Settings...: Allows users to open a specific document settings file.
Save Settings As...: Allows users to save document settings to disk.
Print Setup...: Opens the Print dialog, which allows users to change the printer and printing options.
Stocklisting Reports...: Opens the Stock Listing Reports dialog, which allows users to generate report data.
Licensing...: Allows access to the Software Licensing dialog.
Exit: Closes AutoSPRINK FAB. The user is prompted to save before the program closes.