Help Menu

Actions Menu


The AutoSPRINK FAB Actions menu allows access to the following functions and settings:


Edit Database Entries...: Opens a dialog listing database entries where properties can be altered for each entry.

Link Part Numbers...: Opens file explorer and allows users to transfer any additional ALT/Legacy part numbers that were not transferred using the Compare and Transfer feature. This feature transfers single files.

Add/Edit Sprinkler Head...: Allows users to add, edit or delete sprinklers in the parts database.

Add/Edit Hangers...: Allows users to add, edit or delete hangers in the parts database.

Add/Edit Loose Material...<: Allows users to add, edit or delete loose material in the parts database.

Add/Edit Pipe...: Allows users to add, edit or delete pipe in the parts database.

Estimates: This submenu provides options for emailing and printing estimates.

Change Origin: This submenu provides options evaluating pricing for domestic and the most economical parts.

Compare and Migrate Part Numbers: Opens file explorer and allows users to compare and transfer parts numbers in an Excel document to the parts database.