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Export FAB Files from AutoSPRINK

Users will need AutoSPRINK V12.0.61 or AutoSPRINK 2018 for parts book compatibility in order to export to FAB. Any AutoSPRINK build older than V12.0.61 is not compatible. 

Create separate list areas in AutoSPRINK to filter material going out for a quote.


Select the desired List Area.


Select Listing Manager from the Listing menu.


Click Generate Stock Listing Report Data in the Listing Manager dialog.


Click the Export Report(s) button.

This will open the Export Report dialog.


Select the Portable Document File format in the first drop-down menu if it is not selected by default and click OK.


Name and Save the PDF file.

Note: This is important because the designer and fabricator share the same stocklisting report options and some material will display on multiple reports. For example, sprinkler heads will display on the Sprinkler Summary and Loose Material.   The Threaded Fabrication report and Threaded Branchline report both contain the same material but organize the information differently.  The Threaded Fabrication report organizes and optimizes the material in the most efficient way for fabrication.  The Threaded Branchline report is advantageous to the sprinkler contractor when they specify the material be bundled by Branchline.  This will save fire protection installers considerable time if the material is delivered and dropped on-site in and organized fashion.  Although the quote is generated by AutoSPRINK FAB, the stocklisting reports and information in the PDF list provided by the fire protection contractor should be defining the scope of work and specifications for fabrication.


Click on the Export Tab in the Stock Listing Reports drop-down menu and select Export to AutoSPRINK FAB… or click the Export To FAB button.


Assure the desired settings are selected in the AutoSPRINK FAB Export Options dialog.


Click Submit.


Name and Save the PDF file.

Note: Software development is currently working on automatic file compression at export.  Depending on file size you may or may not need to compress the .fab file for it to be a file size that can be emailed. 


Navigate to the saved .fab file in the file explorer.


Please right click on the .fab file and select Send to Compressed (zipped) folder.


Repeat this process for each remaining list area.


Email the PDF material list and the compressed .FAB file to the stocklister for a quote.  


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