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Export to ITF Custom

Access: File: Export to ITF Custom...

This is one of the most powerful features of AutoSPRINK FAB. The tool allows the user to transfer the stocklist material in an ITF file into your inventory system. Hydralist hardcoded these settings for each user who paid for the program. Unfortunately, they are not interested on reprogramming ITF formats for existing users. We have the ability to order the material quantity, descriptions and part number in any order, field length, alignment , and when can even set fill characters. What does this mean? It means we can communicate with your current ERP system and an future system upgrades without the need for our programmers to hard coded ITFs for each fabricator.




How to Build Your Own Custom ITF Settings


A few recent Hydralist ITF files are needed to build custom ITF settings. The process can be expedited if you have an ITF format map that breaks down the character count and all information fields.





Edit the fields in the Custom Export to ITF dialog to the project specifications.


Take screen shots of your Company's Custom ITF settings and save them to a safe location.


Click the Export to ITF button.


Name and save the ITF export to a desired location.


Open the ITF file with Notepad to view the contents.
The Notepad file may also be edited if necessary.


Next, we will save you Custom ITF settings so we do have to recreated them every fab file. Click here to view instructions on how to save and open a settings file.